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Category: Memory Care

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At What Age Does Dementia Set In?

an older woman contemplating what age dementia can set in.

A degenerative neurological disorder called dementia is typified by behavioral abnormalities that interfere with day-to-day functioning, memory loss, and a reduction in cognitive ability and affects memory and health and wellness. Dementia can strike at any age, although it is typically linked to advanced age. Most cases of dementia occur in individuals aged 65 and […]

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How to Deal with Dementia in a Parent

A senior woman with glasses sitting on a couch appears to be sad and looking outside the window.

When a loved one—especially a parent—is dealing with dementia, it can be an extremely challenging and emotional journey trying to help. Since this condition is progressive, their cognitive health can change, making it essential to know how to approach their situation with compassion and care. Practicing patience is crucial when interacting with a dementia-afflicted parent […]

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When to Move From Assisted Living to Memory Care

Senior couple going over old pictures of family while cuddling on sofa

Deciding whether or not to become a resident in a memory care community can be quite complicated and requires a great deal of thought. Memory care communities provide the support needed by those who are currently living with some sort of memory impairing condition such as dementia. At Highland Senior Living, we offer an outstanding […]

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